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Can one paddler hold two people?Updated 2 years ago

Can one paddler hold two people?

The boat is less stable under a heavy load than with a light load and less stable in rough water than calm water.

Essentially, the amount of people doesn’t matter. What matters is the amount of weight, and as the people wiggle around and the board becomes unstable. 

We have seen two people ride on an Origami, but remember you only have one set of footwells. 

You cannot add two middle sections together because the hinges will not align. 

We are saying 230 pounds in easy or calm conditions.  

Standing up reduces stability and sitting down increases stability because the weight is lower.  

Making more Origamis for 2 or more people is the plan for the future.  As soon as this has been throughly tested and is ready we will announce on social media and in our email updates. 

Getting two or more right now is a great idea! The price is as low as it will ever be and if we make another model someday there will always be someone who will want your old Origamis.

Pair on OP kayaking


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